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Calling all European emerging bands!

This is your chance to perform at Yo!Fest 2020 form the 29-30 of May in Strasbourg, France


All you need to do is submit your entry by the 1st of March 2020 with your band's info, music & links and convince us you're the best band for the job!


The Yo!Fest jury will pick 2 -4 winning bands to perform as opening acts for Yo!Fest.


Who can apply?


Bands with maximum of 8 members from:

  • European Union member countries

  • EU candidate countries (Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey)

  • EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland)

  • The average age of the band members should not exceed 26 (no members may be over 30 years old)

  • Bands should play a genre that is accessible to a wide variety of people.


What can you win?


  • Each winner will have a 30 minutes performance at Yo!Fest 2019.
    (There are different time slots and bands will be  placed accordingly)

  • Yo!Fest will cover the winning bands’ travels to/from Strasbourg, their local transportation in Strasbourg, accommodation, food plus €50 per band member.

  • Winners will be informed in March 2020 by email and/or by telephone.

  • Bands are expected to arrive in Strasbourg on the 28th of May, perform on the 29th or 30th and depart on the 1st of June.


Important Info


By submitting your application you agree with the following Terms and Conditions:


  • The European Youth Forum, JM International (JMI) and its licensees, including and without limitation, any radio or television broadcasting corporation or any festival, has the right to broadcast my performance at Yo!Fest and all connected concerts and rehearsals as well as any material submitted via your application.

  • In addition, the European Youth Forum, JM International and its licensees have the rights to use the recordings of such performances, of portion of thereof, as you may from time to time determine, in perpetuity and worldwide, whatsoever, including private, school and other educational uses, and exhibition by means of film, videotape, audio devices whether now known or unknown.

  • The European Youth Forum, JM International and its licensees have the right to publish and disseminate my name, picture and voice, and biographical information about me, any means for the purposes of information and advertising and publicising such recorder performances. In no event shall my name be used in connection with any product or service.

  • It is also understood that if the artist/band is selected to take part in Yo!Fest. They shall take all necessary steps in order to obtain official documents to attend the above-mentioned venue (to include passport, necessary visas) and agree to comply with any official request by The European Youth Forum and JM International such as provision of a copy of the plane ticket or other kind of travel documentation both to and from the host country. This paragraph also applies to all other official requests (additional data of the musicians; additional copies of other documents than passport; accreditation forms; statements, etc.) by the JM International office, the local organiser, host country or any other third party involved in the organisation of the session (music festivals in general; competitions; TV or radio performances, or others).


Please note that the information you submitted in the application process will be confidential and will not be made public.

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